
Ready to Break Free from a Poor Mindset?

The Rich Girl Money Magnet Challenge is a 20-day journey designed to shift your money mindset, attract abundance, and create a life of financial freedom. This is your chance to rewrite your financial story and embrace a life of prosperity.

Become a Rich Girl Money Magnet! Join the Exclusive Challenge!

Eva Simone

For ALL the Women Who Dream Of Having It All in LIFE.

Let's start getting rid of your limiting beliefs now!

I empower conscious women to fall deeply in love with their next-level selves through energetics and embodiment.

Take the FREE Mini-Course of

5 Strategies to Live a Big Life

This 30-minute video will give you a sense of direction & a shift in the trajectory of your life.

Free eBook alert! 🎉 🎉 🎉

Get "The Top 5 Secrets to Be a Carefree & Playful Woman" by Eva Simone.

& Discover how to live life with more joy!


Hey Beautiful!

My Superpower Is Embodying Feminine Leadership And Powerful Energetics.

Feminine Leadership

I have an MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, a BS in Psychology, and 30 years in cosmetic arts. I'm a thought leader in shifting energetic states flushing out stagnant energy and clearing distortions. I've successfully combined science, energy, and divine intelligence to help you on your soul's journey. My work is deep, soul-driven, and super fun!

I am consciously teaching individuals how to balance power & vulnerability through deep soulful conversations, high-energy foods, loving relationships, travel, confidence, and rest. Conscious love and living require BEING more than doing. It requires balancing the divine masculine with the divine feminine.


Who can relate to the following...

  • You are stuck in a cycle where you don't see any growth in your life.
  • You are still living with the past programming and having trouble moving forward.
  • Your LIFE NOW is not what you envisioned for yourself and your family.
  • You know that you are meant for bigger things but don't know what to do to achieve those bigger things in your life.
  • You are ready to come back home to your body and balance your masculine feminine energies.

Let's dive deep into Eva's offerings, shall we?

1 Hour Feminine "Be With Me" Session

Feeling Tangled?

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Stop Feeling Lost!

Don't Let Confusion Hold You Back!

Find Clarity and Direction in Just 1 Hour!

Imagine this:

You're sitting down with a wise, compassionate guide who truly understands women's unique challenges and desires.

You feel safe to be your authentic self, to share your deepest hopes and fears without judgment.

With Eva, you step on a journey of self-discovery, releasing limiting beliefs and tapping into the boundless power that resides within you.

This is the experience you'll have in Eva's "Be With Me" session.

Are you feeling:

Overwhelmed by tangled thoughts and need a fresh perspective?

Blocked and uninspired?

Stuck in a rut and craving fresh input?

Yearning to reconnect with your feminine energy and unleash your true potential?

If so, this session is for you.

In just 1 hour, Eva's warm and insightful guidance will help you through a life-altering experience that will:

Unravel the tangled threads: Together, you'll identify the key issues that are causing you stress and confusion, gaining a clearer understanding of your situation.

Reconnect with your inner voice: Eva will guide you to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom, helping you find the answers you seek within yourself.

Help you reconnect with your feminine energy: Eva will help you find clarity amidst the chaos and release the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, allowing you to embrace your true feminine power and see your situation with renewed clarity.

Ignite your passion and purpose: You'll gain clarity on your dreams, and desires, and discover the unique gifts and talents that you have to offer the world.

Gain clarity and momentum: You'll leave the session feeling refreshed, empowered, and ready to take the next steps toward your goals.

The "Be With Me" session is more than just a coaching session.

It's an opportunity to:

Connect with your inner wisdom: Eva will create a safe and supportive space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and intuition.

Release emotional blocks: You'll learn tools and techniques to release emotional baggage and create a sense of peace and clarity.

Embrace your authentic self: You'll be encouraged to step into your zone of genius and embrace your unique strengths and vulnerabilities.

This session is for women who are ready to:

Need a quick boost of clarity and direction.

Are feeling overwhelmed and need a safe space to process their thoughts.

Are ready to take action and create positive change in their lives.

Break free from limiting beliefs.

Discover their true potential.

Live a life filled with purpose and passion.

This isn't a complete transformation, but it's a powerful starting point that gives you a sense of direction.

Invest in yourself and book your "Be With Me" session today.

For a limited time, you can experience this empowering session for just $450.

Click below to schedule your session now:

P.S. Eva is a highly sought-after coach with a proven track record of helping women achieve their goals. Don't miss this opportunity to work with her and unlock who you are destined to become.

Ready to step into your power?

Click to start your "Be with Me" session with Eva.


4-Week Session From

"Ugh" to "Ooh La La": Couples Edition

Invest in Your Love Before It's Gone.

Ready to Build a Relationship That Will Stand the Test of Time?

Imagine this:

You and your partner, nestled in a cozy space, sharing laughter and deep, meaningful conversations. The warmth of connection fills the room, and you feel a renewed sense of excitement and love for each other. You're rediscovering the spark that brought you together, and your bond is stronger than ever before.

This is the experience you can create with Eva's 4-week Session From

"Ugh" to "Ooh La La": Couples Edition.

Are you feeling:

A little disconnected from your partner?

Longing for deeper intimacy and connection?

Yearning to reignite the passion and joy in your relationship?

If so, you're not alone.

Many couples experience these feelings at some point in their journey.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Eva's session "Ugh" to "Ooh La La": Couples Edition is a liberating 4-week journey sculpted to help you:

Reconnect on a deeper level: Eva’s warmth and insightful approach will guide you and your partner through exercises and conversations that will help you understand each other's needs and desires better than ever before.

Deepen your intimacy: You'll learn how to communicate more effectively, express your love and appreciation more authentically, and create a deeper sense of connection through shared experiences.

Create a stronger, more fulfilling bond: You'll discover new ways to navigate challenges, celebrate your differences, and build a relationship that is truly fulfilling for both of you.

This session is more than just a series of workshops. It's an opportunity to:

Rekindle the spark: Eva will help you rediscover the passion and excitement that brought you together in the first place.

Strengthen your foundation: You'll learn how to build a strong and lasting relationship based on trust, communication, and mutual respect.

Create a shared vision for your future: You'll work together to define your goals and dreams as a couple and create a roadmap for a happy and fulfilling life together.

This session is for couples who are ready to:

Ignite the flame of your love.

Forge an unbreakable bond.

Unlock the secrets of lasting love.

Unleash the power of your intimacy.

Awaken the joy and passion that lies dormant within your hearts.

Create a legacy of love that will inspire generations to come.

Ready to rediscover the love and happiness in your relationship?

Eva's "Love and Happiness Couples" session is a powerful investment in your future together.

Don't miss this opportunity to work with Eva and create the love story you've always dreamed of.

Click here to learn more and schedule your session.


3-Month From

"Meh" to "Magnificent" The Self-Love Journey Session

Tired of Settling?

It's Time to Wake Up to Your Yummy Self!

Imagine this:

You wake up with a fire in your belly, ready to conquer the day.

You're no longer settling for 'okay.' You're living a life fiercely aligned with your soul's desires. You're a magnet for abundance, joy, and everything you've ever dreamed of.

Because you deserve it, darling.

You're not just surviving, honey, you're thriving. You wake up each morning with a “Damn, I'm amazing” attitude, radiating joy and owning your power. Life feels like a delicious adventure, and YOU'RE THE STAR!

You've finally ditched the 'shoulds' and embraced the 'wants.' You're living your truth, unapologetically. You're a force of nature, radiating self-love and leaving a trail of glitter wherever you go!


Eva's 3-Month "From Meh to Magnificent" Self-Love Journey Session will have you ditching the blahs and embracing your inner goddess, unleashing your inner badass, and creating a life that's as fabulous as you are. You'll radiate confidence, embrace your power, and live a life you absolutely love.

This is the soul-stirring experience with Eva's 3-Month "From Meh to Magnificent" Self-Love Journey Session!

Beautiful, are you feeling:

Yearning for a life that feels aligned with your soul?

Doubting yourself and your abilities?

Longing to feel confident, radiant, and truly alive?

Like you're constantly second-guessing yourself?

Ready to ditch the "meh" and embrace who you were meant to be?

Honey, are you tired of:

Feeling like you're not enough?

Doubting your abilities and holding yourself back?

Do you wish you could just unleash your inner badass?

Are you ready to:

Break free from the chains of self-doubt?

Stop settling for a life that doesn't light you up?

Embrace your power and own your brilliance?

Radiate confidence and live a life that's truly magnificent?

Step into your power and embrace your true self?

Live a life that's filled with passion, purpose, and joy?

It's time for your 3-Month From

"Meh" to "Magnificent" The Self-Love Journey Session!

Eva's "Meh" to "Magnificent" The Self-Love Journey Session

is like a magic potion for your soul a 3-month journey of self-discovery and soul-shaking makeover designed to help you:

Embrace your authentic self: Eva's going to help you ditch the drama queens in your head (those limiting beliefs) and finally embrace your inner goddess. You'll be radiating confidence and owning your power in no time!

Tap Into Your Superpower: Stop underestimating yourself, girl! You're a force of nature, and it's time to unleash your power. You've got amazing gifts and talents waiting to be unleashed. Eva will help you discover them and learn how to use them to create a life that's aligned with your purpose and passion. It's time to own your worth and live a life that reflects your true value.

Breakthrough to Your Best Self: You're about to unlock a whole new level of confidence and self-love. You'll gain the confidence and self-love you need to create a life aligned with your soul's desires. Get ready to rock your life! It's time to level up, beautiful! It's time to rewrite your story!

This is more than just a session, this is a full-on makeover for your mind, body, and soul.

This is a soul-shaking transformation that'll leave you feeling like a BRAND NEW you.

You'll emerge from this experience a stronger, more confident, and empowered version of yourself. You'll gain the tools and support you need to create a life that's filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

It's a chance to:

Embrace Your Divine Feminine Power: Eva's got your back, girl. It's time to ditch the drama and dive into your desires, dreams, and intuition in a safe and supportive space.

Break Free from Emotional Chains: You're ready to break free from the chains of emotional baggage and embrace a life of peace and clarity. You'll learn powerful tools and techniques to release those blocks and create a life aligned with your soul's desires.

Ditch the "meh" and embrace the "OMG, I love my life!”. You'll gain the clarity, confidence, and self-love you need to create a life that's overflowing with joy, abundance, and everything you've ever dreamed of.

This session is for women who are ready to:

Step out of their comfort zone and embrace their true potential.

Create a life that's as fabulous as you are, filled with joy, and confidence, and aligned with their values.

Wake up each morning feeling like a total goddess, ready to conquer the world!


"3-Month From

"Meh" to "Magnificent" The Self-Love Journey Session"

is your chance to create and bend your own reality.

Schedule your session below to get started!



"Miracles & Magic" Session

Ready to Unlock the Magic Within?

A Year of Awakening Awaits.

Are You Ready to Break Through the Ceiling and Become a 1% Woman?

You've got the drive, the ambition, and the vision. You're a woman who's not afraid to dream big and go after what she wants. You've already achieved so much, but you know there's more out there for you. You're ready to step into your SUPERPOWER and become a force to be reckoned with. You're ready to become a 1% woman and there’s no doubt about that!

Imagine a life where every morning feels like a fresh start, filled with magic and possibility. You're energized, excited, and deeply connected to your true calling. Your life is overflowing with abundance, joy, and wonder, and you know that anything is possible for you now.

But let's be honest, the journey to the top isn't easy.

You've probably spent years building your career, your business, your life. You've learned valuable lessons, overcome challenges, and made incredible progress.

But you also know that there's a gap between where you are now and where you want to be. You're ready to break through the ceiling and reach new heights, but you need the right guidance to get there.

Introducing. . .

The 1% Woman Accelerator: A Year-Long Program Designed to Help You Unlock Your Full Potential and Become a Force to Be Reckoned With.

This is the power you unlock with Eva's 12-Month "MIRACLES & MAGIC" SESSION.

Imagine a year of miracles, a life filled with magic and divine power to become a



designed for women who are ready to take their lives to the NEXT LEVEL.

It's a personalized, immersive program that will help you:

Unleash your inner divine superpower and tap into your true calling.

Develop a clear vision for your life and create a roadmap to achieve your goals in no time.

Master the skills and strategies needed to build a successful career, business, and life.

Break through limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of abundance and possibility.

Create a life that's overflowing with wealth, joy, and fulfillment.

Imagine a year from now, looking back on your journey and realizing that you've achieved more than you ever thought possible.

You've cracked the code to becoming a 1% woman.

You're living a life of your true calling, purpose, passion, and overflowing abundance.

You're making a difference in the world and inspiring others to do the same.

This is the power of The 1% Woman Accelerator

under a 12-month Miracles and Magic Session with Eva.

This is not just a coaching program. It's a dive deep into your soul, a journey of shaping your destiny guided by Eva's compassionate wisdom and powerful techniques.

This isn't just about self-improvement and transformation; it's about a complete, life-altering experience, a soul-stirring journey that transforms you from the inside out.

Here's why this program is different:

Personalized guidance: You'll receive one-on-one coaching and mentorship from Eva, a renowned expert in personal transformation and leadership development.

Immersive experience: This isn't just a program, it's a journey of rebirth and breakthrough. You'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every step of the way.

Accelerated results: Instead of spending years climbing the ladder, you'll be able to achieve your goals in just one year with Eva's guidance.


Creating a life that feels truly magical: You'll discover the magic that exists in every moment, in every corner of your life, and learn to create a life that is overflowing with everything to joy, wonder, and fulfillment.

Manifesting your dreams with intention and clarity: You'll learn powerful techniques for manifesting your desires, attracting abundance, and creating a life that feels aligned with your highest vision.

This is a personalized journey, tailored to your unique needs and desires.

Eva will work with you to:

Identify your core values and create a vision for your dream life: You'll gain clarity on what truly matters to you and create a roadmap for achieving your goals.

Develop a personalized plan for transformation: Eva will guide you to create a plan that aligns with your unique needs and helps you unlock your full powerful potential.

This is a powerful investment in your future, and IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!

It's for women who are ready to:

Commit to their dreams and create a life that reflects their highest vision.

Embrace their FEMININE DIVINE POWER and create a life that is aligned with their soul's purpose.

Invest in themselves and create a truly magical life.

This is a journey that will change your life forever.

This is the only program you need to shift your current reality to a reality you could only ever imagine for yourself.

You're a woman who's already achieved so much, but you know there's more out there for you. You're ready to step into your superpower and become a force to be reckoned with.

You're ready to become a 1% woman.

The 1% Woman Accelerator is your roadmap to achieving your dreams.

Ready to take the leap and become the woman you were born to be?

Enroll in The 1% Woman Accelerator under the 12-Month Miracles and Magic Program today and start your journey to becoming a force to be reckoned with!

Are you ready to embrace the magic?

One click away, you can transform your life into the one you were meant to live!



The Rich Girl Money Magnet

20-day Mindset Shift

Are you tired of Watching Your Dreams Fade Away While Your Bank Account Stays Stuck in the "Blah" Zone?

You know that feeling, right? It's the one where you're constantly chasing after money, but it always seems to slip through your fingers. You work hard, you hustle, but somehow, abundance always seems to elude you. You're tired of feeling like you're not enough like you're destined to live a life of financial struggle.

It's time to ditch the "blah" and embrace your INNER MONEY MAGNET!

The truth is, your relationship with money is a reflection of your mindset.

If you're constantly focused on lack, you'll attract more lack.

But what if you could shift your perspective, embrace abundance, and start attracting the wealth you deserve?

Introducing . . . .

The Rich Girl Money Magnet 20-Day Mindset Shift:

A Powerful Program Designed to Transform Your Relationship with Money

and Unlock a Life of Abundance.

This 20-day program is your roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. It's a journey of self-discovery, where you'll learn to:

💸 Uncover the hidden beliefs and limiting patterns that have been holding you back from financial success.

💸 Shift your mindset from lack to abundance, attracting wealth and prosperity into your life.

💸 Heal your relationship with money, viewing it as a tool for creating a life you love.

💸 Embrace a mindset of abundance, believing that you are worthy of wealth and success.

💸 Develop a powerful, positive relationship with money that attracts abundance, happiness, and fulfillment.

This isn't just about making more money, it's about creating a life that's overflowing with joy, freedom, and abundance.

Imagine waking up each morning feeling energized, excited, and deeply connected to your truest self. You're filled with a sense of purpose and clarity, knowing exactly what you want to create in your life. You're surrounded by overflowing abundance, joy, and wonder, and you know that anything is possible.

This is the life you deserve, and The Rich Girl Money Magnet 20-Day Mindset Shift is your ticket to making it happen.

Here's the best part:

This transformative program is available for a limited time for only $65.

That's right, for a small fraction of what you might spend on a single shopping spree, you can unlock the power of abundance and create a life that is overflowing with wealth and joy.

Let's be real, you probably spend more on a single pair of shoes than this entire program.

But this $65 investment could change your life forever. It's time to stop settling for "blah" and start attracting the wealth you deserve. It's a small price to pay for a life of abundance, beautiful!

Imagine shifting your mindset forever, attracting more abundance into your life, and finally achieving the financial abundance you've always dreamed of.


Here's what you'll discover in this mind-blowing program:

Day 1: Unmasking Your Money Beliefs: We'll dive deep into your subconscious beliefs about money and uncover the hidden patterns that have been holding you back.

Day 5: Shifting from Lack to Abundance: Learn powerful techniques to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, attracting wealth and prosperity into your life.

Day 10: Healing Your Relationship with Money: We'll address any emotional baggage you have around money, allowing you to view it as a tool for creating a life you love.

Day 15: Embracing a Mindset of Abundance: You'll learn to believe in your worthiness of wealth and success, attracting abundance into all areas of your life.

Day 20: Living a Life of Abundance: We'll celebrate your transformation and empower you to create a life that's overflowing with abundance, happiness, and fulfillment.

What’s more, you’ll gain access and bonuses once you’re inside the challenge:

A downloadable workbook with additional exercises and tools

Access to a private community of like-minded women

And soooo much more…

Ready to unlock the magic of money and create a life that's overflowing with abundance, joy, and wonder?

Enroll in The Rich Girl Money Magnet 20-Day Mindset Shift today and start your journey to financial freedom and fulfillment!




Ready to Unlock the Magic of Money and Create a Life That's Overflowing with Abundance, Joy, and Wonder?

The Rich Girl Money Magnet 20-Day Mindset Shift

officially starts in just 15 days!

But here's the GOOD NEWS:

You can get a head start and join the program today!

Enroll now and be one of the first Lucky women to get our Early Bird Bonus!

Early Bird Bonus:

As a special thank you for joining us early,

you'll receive a $10 discount on the program!

That's right, you can unlock the power of abundance and create a life that's overflowing with wealth and joy for just $55 ONLY!

Think about it:

You probably spend more on your weekly coffee habit than this entire program.

But unlike that latte, this $55 investment could transform your relationship with money and unlock a life overflowing with abundance.

It's a no-brainer, beautiful!



Here's what happens after you enroll:

Confirm your payment: Once you've completed your payment, you'll receive a personalized email with instructions on your next steps.

Join our exclusive community: You'll be invited to join our private community of like-minded women, where you can connect, share your journey, and support each other.

Receive your daily lessons: Each day, you'll receive a personalized email with your daily lesson, designed to guide you on your journey to financial freedom and fulfillment.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your relationship with money and create a life with an overflowing abundance.

Enroll in The Rich Girl Money Magnet 20-Day Mindset Shift today for a discounted price of $55!

And start your journey to financial abundance and fulfillment!



Unlock Your Abundance:

Discover How EVA Transforms Lives

Don't wait to unlock your abundance! EVA offers a variety of powerful programs and services, all designed to help you achieve your goals.

Explore our offerings and choose the option that best aligns with your vision.

Ready to take the first step?

Explore our offerings and start your journey today.

1 Hour Feminine "Be With Me" Session

Unleash Your Feminine Power in Just 1 Hour.

Are you feeling blocked, stuck, and craving a fresh perspective?

The "BE WITH ME" Session

is designed to help you reconnect with your feminine energy, release limiting beliefs, and ignite your inner power. In just 1 hour, you'll gain clarity, ignite your passion, and feel empowered to take action.

$ 450

4 Weeks


"Ugh" to "Ooh La La": Couples Edition


Reignite the Spark: 4 Weeks to Deeper Love and Joy in Your Relationship.

Get ready to rediscover the joy and passion in your relationship.

The "Love and Happiness Couples" Session

is a transformative

A 4-week journey designed to help you reconnect, deepen your intimacy, and create a stronger, more fulfilling bond.

$ 10,000



"Meh" to "Magnificent" The Self-Love Journey Session

Stop Settling, Start Thriving: 3 Months to Your Yummy Transformation.

Get ready to shed the layers of doubt, unlock your true potential, and step into a life overflowing with joy, confidence, and self-love.

The "Wake Me Up To My Yummy Self" Session is a 3-month journey of self-discovery and transformation designed to help you awaken your inner goddess and embrace your most authentic, radiant self.


12 Month "Miracles




Embrace the Magic: 12 Months to Create Your Dream Life.

Get ready to step into a life where anything is possible.

The "Miracles & Magic" Session is a 12-month journey of self-discovery, transformation, and manifestation designed to help you unlock your true potential and create a life overflowing with abundance, joy, and wonder.


Ready to finally step into the life you were meant to live?

Imagine waking up each day feeling confident, joyful, and abundantly secure. Imagine embracing your true self, radiating love, and achieving your wildest dreams. That's what's possible when you work with EVA.

EVA's coaching isn't just about achieving goals, it's about unlocking your full potential. It's about discovering the incredible woman you are and living a life that aligns with your deepest desires.

Remember, neglecting this journey is like neglecting your truest self to emerge.

It's like leaving a masterpiece unfinished, a symphony unsung.

Don't let another moment pass without embracing the incredible woman you are.

Join EVA's coaching program and experience a powerful shift in your life.

You deserve to experience the joy, freedom, and fulfillment that await you.

Fill out the details below to explore EVA's offerings


Explore Digital Products

Frequently Asked Questions

4 Weeks "Love and Happiness Couples" Session
What is the duration of each session in the 4-week program?

We'll have one call per week and couples homework. There may be required reading, and possibly an individual couple session per week. So, one call together and then one call individually. That's a total of three calls per week for the program. We will have a total of 12 calls throughout the program.

How many sessions are included in the 4-week program?

6 Sessions

What topics or themes will be covered during the sessions?

We'll explore mindset, conscious living, and femininity for the woman, masculinity for the man, and then balance feminine and masculine energies. We'll also provide tools to bring you as a couple stronger together. We'll talk about romance and sexuality, and building up energy for couples to have romantic and sexual experiences. We'll focus on bringing your love and happiness together, without going into explicit details about sex.

Are the sessions conducted in person or virtually?


Is it necessary for both partners to attend the sessions?

It's necessary for you to attend the four-week sessions together. However, for the individual sessions, you and your partner can participate separately.

What qualifications or experience do the session facilitators have?

Eva's been married and is in a thriving relationship. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and a Master's Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and is certified as a spiritual life coach.

Can the sessions be customized to suit the specific needs of our relationship?

Yes, certainly can.

What benefits can couples expect to gain from participating in the program?

A closer bond, conscious coupling, and becoming more conscious people in the relationship.

Are there any prerequisites or requirements for joining the program? 10. How can we schedule and book our sessions for the 4-week program?

You have to be a couple; it is not necessary to be married. You could be engaged, partners, or married.

What is the cost of the program and are there any payment plans available?

The cost of this program is $10,000. PayPal allows for four installments or one full payment with a credit card.

Is there a refund or cancellation policy for the sessions?

We want to ensure you're a good fit for the program. Once you're in, you're committed to this one-on-one experience. No refunds are offered. If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a charity of Eva’s choice.

How can we prepare for the sessions to make the most out of the program?

Be open to coaching, learning, and having the attitude of wanting to make your relationship the best possible.

Are the sessions confidential, and is our privacy protected?

Yes, it's confidential and you are protected.

Will there be any follow-up support or resources provided after the program ends?

Follow-up support would be the next program, potentially including separate coaching sessions.

3 Month "Wake Me Up To My Yummy Self" Session
What is the structure of the 3-month program?

One call per week, so that would be 12 calls in total.

How many sessions are included in the 3-month program?


What is the structure of the three month program?

We'll discuss stability, feminine energy, regulating emotions, and becoming irresistible. We'll explore the woman's "big self," integrating that big self, co-creating on a whole new level, and clearing the vibration of negativity so she can return to herself. That's just a taste of what we'll cover.

What can I expect to achieve or experience during the program?

Expect one-on-one sessions where we have real conversations about life and your current challenges. We'll help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Are the sessions held in person or virtually?


Is this program suitable for individuals of all fitness levels or dietary preferences?

Yes. It's suitable for anyone.

Can the program be customized to address specific health or wellness goals?

Yes, but I'm not a physician, so you need to understand that. You should consult with a physician for health and wellness.

What qualifications or expertise do the session facilitators possess?

Eva holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and is certified as a spiritual life coach.

How do I access the program materials and resources throughout the 3 months?

I'll deliver the content via face-to-face sessions and virtual recordings. We'll have a dedicated space for recordings where I can answer questions and provide additional content. We'll also include journaling prompts, recommended books, and curated movies to help you explore new perspectives.

What type of support is available between sessions, if any?

We'll have a Telegram channel for questions, and you can also email me.

What is the cost of the program, and are payment plans available?

The cost is $25,000, and payment is accepted via credit card only.

Is there a refund policy in case I need to cancel or reschedule a session?

We want to ensure you're a good fit for the program. Once you're in, you're committed to this one-on-one experience. No refunds are offered. If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a charity of Eva’s choice.

How will progress be tracked and measured throughout the program?

Progress will be tracked based on your energy levels, how you show up in sessions, and how quickly you're triggered. Essentially, it's about how seriously you take the program.

Are there any dietary restrictions or allergies that need to be considered for the sessions?


Can I continue the practices learned in the program after the 3 months are over?


12 Month "Miracles

& Magic" Session

What exactly is the "Miracles & Magic" session about?

We'll discuss universal energy and how everything is energy. The 12-month program allows time for the brain to recalibrate and embody this new self, embracing the possibility of magic and miracles. I'll teach you how to clear their minds, week by week, through weekly calls, to create a life filled with excitement, energy, and everything they desire. Over 12 months, I'll hold them accountable for achieving their goals, as outlined in the course. The "Miracles and Magic" title is symbolic; it's like providing a recipe, but we customize it based on your individual needs.

What are the main topics or themes that will be covered throughout the 12 months?

Mainly Embodiment expansion involves clearing energy to access their 1% way of being in the world, holding new vibrations for their next level. It's our flagship coaching package, designed for women who are "lonely at the top." You might have specific challenges each month that you need help with, so the package is customizable based on your needs. It's for the CEO, the executive, the woman who says, "I need someone to hold this space with me so I can truly talk and feel empowered." That's where the "Miracles and Magic" part comes in. The 12-month program is customizable, we can tailor this according to your preference.

What are the qualifications and experience of the facilitators leading the sessions?

Eva holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and is certified as a spiritual life coach.

What kind of results or transformations can I expect to experience during the 12 months?

It depends on your accountability for your actions. I want to work with soul-aligned clients. I don't want to take on just anyone because it creates stress for both of us. We must be aligned with your goals, committed to doing the work, and ready to expand to your next level. Potential benefits include increased self-awareness, improved relationships, greater abundance, and a shift in energy to your highest self.

Are there any specific techniques or practices that will be used to facilitate miracles and magic?

Yes, we do. Our sessions incorporate meditations, activations, neuro-linguistic programming, and state management.

How will I be supported to integrate the practices and learnings into my daily life?

You can contact me through Telegram or email, and we'll be talking weekly.

What are the prerequisites or requirements for joining the "Miracles & Magic" session?

You feel in your soul is a hell yes for YOU. You need the desire to have coaching

What is the cost of the program, and are there payment plans available?


What is the commitment involved? Is there a refund policy in case I need to withdraw?

We want to ensure they're a good fit for the program. Once they're in, they're committed to this one-on-one experience. No refunds are offered. If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a charity of Eva’s choice.

How can I schedule and book my place in the program?

You'll book the first session online, and then we'll schedule the remaining 12 months of sessions together.

Can the program be customized to address my specific goals or challenges?

The 12-month program is customizable, we can tailor this according to your preference.

What kind of support is available between sessions?

I'll provide support through Telegram and email. For example, I might suggest a book to read or share something we'll be discussing the following week. Since the coaching is customized, I'll gather information during the session and prepare accordingly for the next week.

Will there be any follow-up resources or guidance provided after the 12 months are complete?



Resources for you!





When we work together to shift your life.




By deepening self-awareness, you embark on a journey to uncover your true passions, values, and purpose, aligning every aspect of your life with authenticity and fulfillment.


Building resilience through personal growth equips you with unwavering inner strength and determination to face challenges head-on, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and empowerment.


Cultivating meaningful relationships and emotional well-being enriches your social interactions and nurtures your mental and physical health, creating a harmonious and vibrant life filled with joy and positivity.



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